Now, when you open that file you’ll see information about the websites you've visited directly or indirectly. To get rid of this, just type the command ipconfig /flushdns and your DNS cache will be cleared. Angel Luis has written a nice tutorial and script on this topic, I suggest you read it.
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For Linux and OS X: I wrote grab-site for archiving entire websites to WARC files. These WARC files can be browsed or extracted. grab-site lets you control which URLs to skip using regular expressions, and these can be changed when the crawl is running. It also comes with an extensive set of defaults for ignoring junk URLs.
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In fact, it's such a bad idea that most websites are now using https by default. And that's great, but it also means that if you're relying on poorly-behaved wifi networks, it can be hard to get online. Secure browsers and websites using https make it impossible for those wifi networks to send you to a login or payment page.
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